History of the Universe eBook. 398 pages, 300 illustrations only £5.99
Energy at the Origin of the Universe
Inflation Epoch: Creation to 10-35 seconds
Grand Unification Epoch 10-35 to 10-36 seconds
Quark Epoch 10-36 to 10-6 seconds
Photon Epoch 10 seconds to 380,000 years
Nucleosynthesis 3 to 20 minutes
Cosmic Dark Age 380 thousand to 150 million years
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
Mystery of Formation of First Galaxies
Large Scale Structure of the Universe
Protogalaxies 100 million years
Earliest known Galaxy 13.2 bya
Structure of the Universe 12 bya
Columbia Continent 2.0 to 1.2 bya
Great Oxygen Poisoning 2.4 bya
Cryogenian Period 850 to 635 mya
Ediacaran Period 635 to 542 mya
Cambrian Period 542 to 488 mya
Ordovician Period 488 to 444 mya
Silurian Period 444 to 416 mya
Devonian Period 416 to 359 mya
Carboniferous Period 359 to 299 mya
Triassic Period 251 to 200 mya
Jurassic Period 200 to 146 mya
Cretaceous Period 146 to 66 mya
Quaternary Period 2.6 mya to today
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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